Master of Legal Studies
January 30, 2024 2024-01-30 12:21Master of Legal Studies
Master of Legal Studies
Barclay School of Law also offers the Master of Legal studies (MLS) degree. Which is designed for students with bachelor’s degree, its equivalent or other advance degrees other than a law degree. The program requires 39 semester credit hours and usually takes one year for completion. Thesis requirements for the MLS and LLM are the same, students may elect to work on a capstone. Students enrolled in the concurrent MLS/JSD programs are required to submit a research thesis as final research project.
Students admitted in the programs are required to stay in close contact with their faculty mentor. They will enroll in individual courses related to their area of concentration, which will cumulate into the defending of the required research thesis or capstone. The Master of Legal Studies (MLS) is offered in the following concentrations:
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in Business Law
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS in Commercial Law
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in Compliance and Regulation
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in Criminal Justice
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in Environmental Law
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in international Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in International Legal Studies
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Master of Legal (MLS) in Social Justice
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in International Tax and Financial Law
- Master of Legal Studies (MLS) in International Legal Studies
Note: Graduates of the Master of Legal Studies are eligible to enroll in the Doctor of Juridical Science degree (JSD) program. Students can also enroll in the programs concurrently. Students enrolled in the concurrent MLS/JSD will have 30 semester credits of the MLS program transfer towards the 66 required semester credits hours for the JSD.
Some courses for the JSD/LLM/MLS concentration are listed in the course description.